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Bundle Laundry

Bundle Laundry has provided innovative and market-leading laundry management software for the global laundry community for nearly 20 years.

Bundle Laundry is the leading supplier of smart productivity solutions for commercial laundries and their customers in Australasia, South East Asia, North America and the United Kingdom

Bundle Connect - Laundry Management System
Bundle Track - Laundry Inventory Management
Bundle Worx - Production Management System
Bundle IQ - Business Intelligence Systems
Other locations: 
United Kingdom
North America
South East Asia
Business details: 
Michael Johns
26 Asquith Avenue
Mt Albert
Auckland 1005
New Zealand
+64 027 486 2184

Members Showcase

Alsco NZ recently unveiled, what it intends to be the first of many Heavy EV Road Freighters in its fleet. Attending and speaking at the official unveiling of the nation's first inter-city "Heavy EV", were Energy and Resources Minister, the Hon Dr Megan Woods, and Minister for Climate Change, the Hon James Shaw.

Instep joined DLANZ in 2018 as one of our Allied Traders, it is great to be able to highlight this successful partnership between them and two of our other members Whangarei and Diamond Drycleaners.


DLANZ is always keen to uncover proud member moments, many of our members are achieving remarkable things quietly within their communities.