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Membership Classes by Subscription

Full membership
For New Zealand based Drycleaning and Launderers.

Allied Trader Membership
For suppliers of the Drycleaning and Laundry industries and other allied businesses whose main activity is not drycleaning or laundering. Allied traders located in Australia are also welcome.

Corporate Membership
For the heavy weights in the industry, we love having you onboard.

Associate Membership (Free)
Associate membership gives you automatic access to a range of industry related resources on the DLANZ website. You automatically get newsletters and mailers and can attend some DLANZ events and trainings. We encourage all associated industries and organisations to join for free.

Membership Fees – an investment in your industry and business.

The Associate is fortunate to have a voluntary Executive Committee made up of some of the most experienced and professional industry operators in the country. The fact they are voluntary means the Association operates very efficiently. Given the contribution made by the Committee the current fees (which have not increase substantially over the past few years)are extremely good value.

Actions & Achievements of our Volunteer Committee!

  • Attend quarterly Committee Meetings and AGMs, plus discuss and take action of any issues that arise in the course of any given week.
  • Organise regional events, activities and training.
  • Oversee the Association finances, set subs, budgets and approve payments.
  • Our supplier representives on the Committee are often our conference sponsors.
  • Contribute to creating a successful Conference, by approaching sponsors, being sponsors, sharing expert knowledge, signing off on advertising and conference programme details.
  • Make and impliment decisions and actions to improve how the Association works for it’s members.
    Recent example: Oversee the rebranding or the Association and review and provide content and decisions on the construction of the new website.
  • Impliment actions to strengthen and improve the industry in New Zealand through it’s reputation.
    Recent example: The Laundry and Drycleaning minimum standards.
    Recent example: Oversee the development and strategy of the rebrand, a lever this opportunity to market the industry to consumers.
  • Respond to issues at a National and International level that effect the industry.
    Recent example: Urgent and direct communication with the Government to get sectors of our industry recognised as critical services for essential industries during the Covid emergency.
    Recent example: Lobby the Government for a relief package for those in the sector operating at the loss to support essential services.
  • Foster relationships with the DIA and LAA in Australia to strengthen the industry for all.
    Recent example: - Take up the offer to have an Association representive on the board of the LAA.
  • Co-ordinated and spear-head submissions to legislative bodies on issues that effect industry.
    Recent example: Working with the DIA on the care labelling submission to the ACCC.
    Recent example: Working with Competenz on a submission on the Vocational Education Reform Bill.
  • Ensure swift action is taken against any threat to the reputation of the industry in NZ.
    Recent examples: Send a letter to two wedding businesses to remind them of the advertising standards and request they amend their websites and messages on social media misrepresenting the Drycleaning profession.
  • Working with other sectors to ensure they align with industry practices.
    Recent example: Working with Hallensteins regarding the incorrect care labelling of some of their suits.
  • Responding to requests for help from Association members dealing with difficult situation with customers.
    Recent example: Offering members specific advice and resources on best practice when dealing with customer complaints or the results of incorrect care labels.

Fees Structure

Member subscriptions consist of two portions

The National portion broadly covers

Administration and Accounting
Printing and Advertising
Website and Hosting Costs
Committee Meeting Travel and Expenses
Event Management
Contingency fund for legal issues that might affect our members

National Fees (based on employee numbers - ex gst)

1 - 5          - $205
6 - 10        - $297
11 - 20      - $440
21 - 40      - $550
41+            - $660

The Regional Portion

Subsidises Local Events and Activities

$70+gst Auckland, Central, Wellington

$100+gst Canterbury (The region opted to increase this from $70 at their 2019 AGM) 

Otago/Southland (This region does not have a regional fee, due to it’s small number of members and distances, members can contact the Canterbury secretary if they wish to be included in their events.)