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06 Apr

Inside this 2022 Autumn Issue: President’s Report, Thermal Disinfection of Linen, Not an April Fools Joke!, Bufa Wetcleaning Webinar, Discounted Membership to DLI, AGM Save the Date, Standards Self Evalution, New Societies Act, Boilers -  Code of Practice, Electric Vehicles Subsidies, Movers & Shakers, Committee Position Available, Mental Health Awareness, For Sale Surplus Equipment

21 Dec

Inside this 2021 Summer Issue:
President’s Report, DLANZ Christmas Song, Sprinklers Save the Day, Laundromat Thefts, A Letter from Aus, Shrinkage of Curtains, DLANZ 70yr Anniversary, 25yrs of Service, Wet Cleaning Webinar
Wellington Regional Event, Classifieds, Proud Members Moment.

20 Dec

Congratulations DLANZ - It is your 70th Anniversary! 

There has been a lot that has happened over those70 years. 

With help from some of you we have put together a little presentation that has pictures from the past. 

16 Nov

Tauranga Business Awards - Sustainability Winner

03 Nov

For Sale - Laundromat Token Machine

Accepts notes, coin & card
Dual note readers
Prints receipts and transaction summary
Dispenses tokens or coins
$15k new, selling for $3k

30 Sep


27 May

Perfect Pleat Drapery Finisher - Model No. 1260DL

05 May
Industry Articles

A new luxury boutique hotel opening its doors in Dunedin today has a focus on relaxing with local art and produce.

21 May
Industry Articles

Another world first from BÖWE: Protection of boil overs in the distillation The distillation boil over (Black-Over) problem has been known in the industry for as long as dry cleaning machines have existed.