Thank you for visiting the new DLANZ website, if you are already a member you will know this is streaks ahead of our old antiquated version that is now in retirement.
Member Directory
Consumer Help
This section is designed to get us visitors, we want your help in making this become a great place for customers to find the solutions to their drycleaning and laundering problems.
One of our goals was to develop an excellent search function that quickly and easily matches a visitors need with those that have their solution.
Share with us your articles, insights, tips and tricks and anything else that will make this new site inviting and useful to customers.
As well as interest items customers will find it easy to find a DLANZ supplier in their area using the search function.
This is the largest section on the site and we intend for it to grow into an often visited section by our members.
Resources here will be either member only with some things also being available to associate members and the public.
Categories will cover topics for your Business, like HR, Lease Negotiations etc to resources specific to Drycleaning and Laundry operations as well as a technical knowledge base. This section also has templates and tools to download and a quicklink forms area.
Once again, we encourage you to share your resources so we can make this an often visited part of the website.
Here you will find everything you want to know about DLANZ, including why you need to be a member, the benefits, some Committee trumpet blowing, our relationships, membership types and rates etc.
News & Events Sections
Keep upto date will all important industry news and keep you calendar upto date, this is your one stop shop.
Anyone can request a listing via the online forms, we want your news, events, classifieds and testimonials.